Foggy hills with trees in the background. A box with the text "What is happening?" and "Is this a fantasy?" in the center.

Who am I on the Web?

A person is sitting in front of a desktop computer, viewing a screen displaying a futuristic interface with a humanoid figure at the center, surrounded by various abstract technological and scientific icons like atoms and molecular structures.

Online Identities

We live in a time where almost everyone has a digital presence. That could be on social media, LinkedIn, or even company websites. Some people create these online identities to match who they are offline. While others create an identity that is the complete opposite of who they are. There are also people who just omit parts about them and their life that they do not want the whole world to know.

Digital Personas

A digital persona is what someone creates when they don’t want to put who they really are out on the internet. Sometimes a digital persona is completely fake and is created by adding bits and pieces from different people together. There are some people who are trying to recreate historical figures through making a digital persona. Since digital personas are copies if the original, we have to make sure that we are being respectful to the people that are being represented. More information about digital personas read Creating Valuable (and Trusted) Experiences With Digital Personas.

Who am I

My online presence

For me I do not want to give the internet full access to my life. I have social media and other accounts, but I don’t post that often. When I do post it tends to be on birthdays. I also like to keep my accounts private, so I know who has access. I have the platforms that are supposed to help with job searching like LinkedIn. I want to keep my life off of the internet as much as I can.

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