Foggy hills with trees in the background. A box with the text "What is happening?" and "Is this a fantasy?" in the center.

Video Test

Shot list

Video Test Recording


I am going to use my phone to shoot the video. I will use a tripod in some scenes. I will help with the shots that don’t have much movement to keep it steady. I plan on using the natural lighting of the room or place I will be filming in. If the lighting in the room does not look good in the video I will look into other sources of lighting, but the places I will be filming it is easier to use the light already in the rooms and that comes in from windows in the rooms.

What & Why

I am going to be filming various crochet coaster pieces and my hands crocheting and the yarn isle at Micheal’s. I think this fits with my podcast topic as I am talking about the coasters that I am making to give to my siblings for Christmas, so it fits ti show the completed product and the process of making one.

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