Foggy hills with trees in the background. A box with the text "What is happening?" and "Is this a fantasy?" in the center.

Video Final


My topic is making crochet coaters for my younger siblings. I got this idea while on fall break and thought it would make an easy project. The video consists of the coasters I made, the yarn isle at Micheal’s and a shot of me working on one for the coasters. The pattern I used is the Sunrise Coaster and the yarn I used is from Loops and Threads


The pattern is Sunrise Coasters from tl yarn crafts.

The image is from Micheal’s Loops and Threads Everyday Cotton Yarn.

The opening image is from Canva, it was a presentation made by Michelle Amoruso.

The music I used is called At the Playhouse by Michael Ramir C.

The background sound effects that I used were found on Soundtrap.


I used my phone to record the videos. I recorded each shot using a tripod and my phone. Most of the shots were made one after the other but it was easier to record in pieces because I had to move or grab things, and it made more sense to stop the recording than to keep it going and have to cut it. I used Clipchamp to edit the video. I picked YouTube as the streaming platform to upload my video. I picked Clipchamp because was part of Microsoft and the school already had it. I pick YouTube because I knew that I could upload the video unlisted so that most people would not be able to find it just by searching something similar.

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